The Zeliangrong people of Northeast India follow a significant indigenous religion known as Heraka. The term "Heraka" originates from the Zemei language and translates to "pure and not impure." The ideology behind Heraka is centered around the veneration of Tingwang, the supreme deity. The religion emphasizes purity, monotheism, and the avoidance of blood sacrifices associated with smaller deities.
In the Zeliangrong belief system, Heraka is not a departure from their traditional practices but rather a rational enhancement. The core concept revolves around worshiping only Tingwang, which represents monotheism. Heraka brings a sense of unity and understanding among the community, fostering peace and love. The religion promotes love for parents, self-discipline, and truthfulness.
Tingwang is regarded as the creator of the universe, responsible for the Sun, Moon, stars, Earth, water, air, humans, animals, and all living things. The deity is considered eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. The belief is that following the authentic principles of Heraka will lead to blessings and entry into the Kingdom of God for good souls.
The reformation within Heraka was initiated by Haipou Jadonnang, a 20th-century prophet, who introduced changes to traditional practices. The religion's evolution led to the abolishment of animal sacrifices in favor of devotional worship. The Kalumki, a house of worship, plays a central role in the religion, symbolizing purity and a connection with Tingwang.
Heraka observes various festivals throughout the year, linked to agricultural cycles and lunar calendars. These celebrations are occasions of prayer, thanksgiving, and unity. The New Year, seed sowing, new crop harvesting, and year-ending festivals are some of the significant events in the Heraka calendar.
The religion also incorporates the belief in rebirth, where souls of good doers move towards the Kingdom of God, while those of evil doers undergo cycles of rebirth. The focus on rebirth stems from the desire for eternal liberation and salvation in the afterlife.
Overall, Heraka is a religion deeply rooted in the Zeliangrong culture, emphasizing purity, monotheism, and moral conduct. It has evolved over time, guided by the teachings of spiritual leaders, and continues to shape the lives and beliefs of the Zeliangrong people.
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