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Showing posts from September 17, 2023


The Zeliangrong people of Northeast India follow a significant indigenous religion known as Heraka. The term "Heraka" originates from the Zemei language and translates to "pure and not impure." The ideology behind Heraka is centered around the veneration of Tingwang, the supreme deity. The religion emphasizes purity, monotheism, and the avoidance of blood sacrifices associated with smaller deities. Image: Wikipedia In the Zeliangrong belief system, Heraka is not a departure from their traditional practices but rather a rational enhancement. The core concept revolves around worshiping only Tingwang, which represents monotheism. Heraka brings a sense of unity and understanding among the community, fostering peace and love. The religion promotes love for parents, self-discipline, and truthfulness. Tingwang is regarded as the creator of the universe, responsible for the Sun, Moon, stars, Earth, water, air, humans, animals, and all living things. The deity is considered...

Clans in Rongmei

The major clans are Gonmei, Kamei, Gangmei and Rwangmei or Longmei. Every clan has a totem which is a symbol or emblem of a clan or family and it is a food taboos either an animal or bird, or tree or plants. The totems of these clans are Roingao bird of Gonmei, Ahuina (green pigeon) of Kamei, Tiger of Gangmei and white pumpkin/dog of Rwangmei. Each major clan is subdivided into a number of lineages. The lineage is a socially binding and an intermediary unit in between family and clan. ( ref ) Image: from Binnakandi Gonmei/Golmei clan is subdivided into lineages like: 1. Gonthangmei 2. Gondaimei 3. Remmei/Riamei, 4. Maringmei, 5. Dangmei, 6. Panmei/Palmei and 7. Thaimei Kamei clan has: 1. Pamei Phaomei, 2. Siangongmei, Ngaomei, 3. Khandangmei Malangmei, 4. Kamson and 5. Daimei. Gangmei clan also has lineages such as: 1. Kamang Gangmei, 2. Pheiga Gangmei, 3. Sidou Gangmei, 4. Jukhao Gangmei, 5. Goijaichang Gangmei, 6. Taokhondai Gangmei and 7. Pongring Gangmei. ...

Migration Theory of Rongmei Naga

Makhel Makhel is believed by several Naga tribes like Angami, Chakhesang , Mao, Maram, Pochury, Poumai, Rengma, Thangal, Zeliangrong, etc. to be a village of their origin and a point of dispersal in their migration to their respective habitats. The history of Makhel as an ancient village of migration has been collaborated by the stone megalith of dispersion, Tamraratu in the present Mao village of Makhel. T.C Hodson wrote in 1911, “At Makhel is to be seen a stone now erect which Marks the place from which the common ancestor (of the Nagas) emerged from the earth. Makhel is regarded as the centre from where the migration took place “. The first Man at Makhel had three sons Alpha, Tutuwa,and Khepio. The brothers for unknown reasons decided to depart from Makhel and constructed a Megalith as the place of their dispersal. Legends tell that the ancestors of the Zeliangrong people are descendants of the inhabitants Makhel. They also left the place in course of time. Ramting Kabin(First vi...

Marriage in Rongmei Naga

 AN INSIGHT INTO ELOPEMENT MARRIAGE AMONG RONGMEI TRIBES by Mary Sana Rajkumari ( I nt e r nati on al J o u r nal o f P s y ch o s o cial R e h a bi li ta t i on , V ol . 2 4, I ssue 0 3 , 2 02 0 I S S N : 14 7 5 - 71 92) 1. Introduction Among the Rongmei Naga tribe, elopement marriage is a practice where couples marry in defiance of traditional marriage norms. However, societal norms have their limits. Excessive deviation from established marriage codes not only leads to termination of the union but also exile from the community and even physical humiliation. Maintaining these limits is crucial to preserving the tribe's cultural integrity and identity. 2. Objectives of the Study This study aims to delve into elopement marriage practices within the Rongmei tribe. Additionally, it explores the lesser-known Rongmei polyandry system in the Barak Valley of Assam. 3. Methodology Data for this study were primarily collected from "primary" sources, including fieldwork in...

Rongmei Script

 The formal launch of the Ruangmei tribe's script, known as Ruanghiak, took place at the Conference Hall of RBCC Centre Church in Tarung, Imphal. The event was attended by prominent figures including Dinganglung (Dipu) Gangmei, Chairman of HAC; Amu Kamei, President of Rongmei Naga People Organization; Thuankubui Pamei, former President of RNCM; Ramkung Pamei, President of Rongmei Naga Council Manipur; Ragongning Gangmei, President of Rongmei Literature Society; and Rev KG Jaojianlung Gangmei, Chairman of Interim Body for Ruanghiak Development and Promotion (IBRDP). Image: from G Gangmei's Books During the event, Dipu Gangmei emphasized the importance of recognizing and honoring Huaineiguang Rwangmei, the General Secretary of IBRDP and Ruangmei Literature Society, for his dedicated efforts in creating the script. Ragongning Gangmei described the occasion as historic for the Ruangmei (Rongmei) community, as the script was launched after years of research and the contributions of ...