The Rongmei community, a subgroup of the Naga tribe, resides across the states of Assam, Manipur, and Nagaland in India's northeastern region. They identify themselves as part of the larger Zeliangrong Naga community. The Indian government's actions have led to concerns about the preservation of their unique identities. While a significant portion of the Rongmei population is concentrated in Manipur, there is also a notable presence in Assam's Barak Valley. Their primary language is Rongmei, also known as Ruanglat. The term "Rongmei" is a combination of two words: "Nruang," meaning South, and "mei," meaning people, signifying "people of the south." The Ethnologue, an international language database, recognizes their language with the code "NBU" for the Rongmei dialect ( The Rongmei tribe has a historical connection with Barak (Aguh) Valley, where they are considered one of the earlie...
The Rongmei Naga Tribe of North East India